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Title Info Subject area Access
Leggi d'Italia see One more information about Leggi d'Italia see One Forensic Sciences
LexisNexis see Nexis Uni more information about LexisNexis see Nexis Uni Economics | Forensic Sciences
Lexitalia more information about Lexitalia Forensic Sciences LOCALE
Library of Latin Texts NOT RENEWED more information about Library of Latin Texts Literature and philology UNIPI
Linguistic Bibliography online (LB) NOT RENEWED more information about Linguistic Bibliography online (LB) Languages and Linguistics | Literature and philology UNIPI
Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) NOT RENEWED more information about Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) Languages and Linguistics UNIPI
LNCS online: Lecture Notes in Computer Science NOT RENEWED more information about LNCS online: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Computer Science UNIPI
Loeb Classical Library NOT RENEWED more information about Loeb Classical Library Literature and philology UNIPI
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