The database contains biographical and bibliographical data of over seventy Italian academic economists, whose identification work is the result of a systematic survey of the economic teachings taught in various universities in liberal Italy, as part of a series of research projects ( Prin), coordinated by Massimo Augello and which resulted in the following publications:
- M. M. Augello, Dizionario degli economisti accademici italiani dell'800, Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra, 2012;
- M. M. Augello, Gli economisti accademici italiani dell’Ottocento. Una storia ‘documentale’, Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra-Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, Direzione generale per gli archivi, 2013, 2 voll. in 4 tt.
The selection criteria with which these economists were identified include those who permanently taught Political Economy (even under different names in the pre-unification period), Statistics and Financial Science.
In the biographical section, the sheets relating to economists present data relating to the most significant events in their academic, scientific, political and professional biographies. The bibliographic section provides the list of their overall production and what has been published about them.
The two sections (biographical and bibliographical) can be searched through specific search that allow you to filter and combine the data based on your investigation needs.
For more information: https://cipei.unipi.it/risorse/banca-dati-degli-economisti-italiani/
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University of Pisa - CIPEI
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