Bibliographic Database of Economic Law: it monitors bibliographic references of around 300 journals, both Italian and foreign. There are several journals of numerous Italian publishers (Giuffrè, Gappichelli, Cedam, Ipsoa, Italian scientific editions, Mill, Sun 24 hours, Utet, Pacini, Jovene, Piccin, Aracne, Plenum, etc) and foreigners (Editorial Aranzadi, Editorial Dykinson, Oxford University Press, Dalloz, Springer Link, Lex Nova, La Ley, etc.).
The archive offers to the users the bibliographic reference: the surname and the author's name; the title of the article, the note to judgment or the monograph; the magazine and the monograph that welcomes the contribution; the Publisher; the annotated judicial remedy where available.
Access conditions:
Free online database, freely available on the Internet
Subject area:
Osservatorio Centro Studi Informatica Giuridica di Lecce