

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

The Oxford DNB was first published in 2004 in print (60 vols.). Since 2005 regular updates have extended the Dictionary’s coverage, now including biographies of more than 60,000 men and women who died in or before the year 2016—plus 536 ‘Theme’ articles for reference and research.
The Dictionary offers concise, up-to-date biographies written by named, specialist authors. It is overseen by academic editors at Oxford University, UK, and published by Oxford University Press.



Early European Books online

ProQuest with Early European Books has embarked on a European-wide project which will trace the history of printing in Europe from its origins (circa 1450s) to 1700. The contents are drawn from major repositories including the Danish Royal Library, the National Central Library in Florence, the National Library of France, the National Library of the Netherlands, and the Wellcome Library in London.

OpenEdition ebooks

OpenEdition Books is now home to thousands of titles from 60 publishers in the humanities and social sciences.

Two thirds of the titles in the catalogue are available free of charge in HTML and can be quoted, printed or embedded on external sites. PDF and ePub formats are on sale from digital bookstores.


De Gruyter ebooks

The Sistema Bibliotecario has subscribed in perpetuity to approximately 450 titles.
The available ebooks are DRM free and accessible to an unlimited and simultaneous number of users. The formats available are PDF and ePub. On the platform there are also many freely accessible titles (Open/Free access).



Cambridge Core ebooks

Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of high-quality academic content across Cambridge Core, including leading journals, research monographs, reference works and textbooks.

The Sistema Bibliotecario has subscribed in perpetuity to approximately 450 titles.
Access is single site, DRM free, for an unlimited and simultaneous number of users.

All ebooks are freely downloadable and printable.


EBSCO ebooks

EBSCO eBooks are online versions of print books that your library has either purchased with a perpetual license or via an annual subscription, and, since November 2021, a group of 4,000 Open Access ebook created in collaboration with university presses and scholarly OA publishers such as University of Michigan Press, Taylor & Francis and Temple University Press. This highly curated collection provides libraries and end users with choice and access to a large selection of discoverable, DRM-Free content.

eBooks that are owned will be available to the library in perpetuity.


Encyclopedia of Ancient History

The Encyclopedia of Ancient History is the only comprehensive collection of twenty-first century scholarship available on the entire ancient Mediterranean world. Our board of experienced and internationally diverse editors has collected over 5,000 original entries spanning the late Bronze Age through the seventh century CE.

Entries extend to all Mediterranean civilizations, including the Near East and Egypt, and represent an unprecedented level of coverage of the ancient world.

This online version updates twice annually; new entries added each summer and winter.



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