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Atlante lessicale toscano more information about Atlante lessicale toscano Languages and Linguistics | Literature and philology LOCALE
CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International) ebooks more information about CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International) ebooks Agriculture | Earth Sciences | Pharmacology | Veterinary Medicine UNIPI
Grande dizionario tecnico inglese more information about Grande dizionario tecnico inglese Architecture | Chemistry | Computer Science | Engineering | Physics UNIPI
Oxford English Dictionary online (OED) NOT RENEWED more information about Oxford English Dictionary online (OED) Multidisciplinary Indexes UNIPI
Treccani more information about Treccani Multidisciplinary Indexes FREE
Ubidictionary - BIZ NOT RENEWED more information about Ubidictionary - BIZ Multidisciplinary Indexes UNIPI
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