Forensic Sciences



Normattiva is a textual database where all the normative acts published in the Official Gazette are stored from 1933 to today (for the period 1933-1935 only in the original version).
The project curated by the Istituto Poligrafico and Zecca dello Stato to offer a unique and reliable access point to Italian national and regional legislation.



With its worldwide coverage and simple search features, Espacenet, database of EPO European Patent Office, offers free access to information about inventions and technical developments from 1836 to today.
Espacenet is accessible to beginners and experts and is updated daily. It contains data on more than 95 million patent documents from around the world. Supporting information can help you understand whether a patent has been granted and if it is still in force.



It is the first institutional archive of the University of Pisa, replaced in 2015 by Iris-ARPI. It collects the results of the research activities and the publications of the teaching and amministration staff of the university, since the '90s.



Bibliographic Database of Economic Law: it monitors bibliographic references of around 300 journals, both Italian and foreign. There are several journals of numerous Italian publishers (Giuffrè, Gappichelli, Cedam, Ipsoa, Italian scientific editions, Mill, Sun 24 hours, Utet, Pacini, Jovene, Piccin, Aracne, Plenum, etc) and foreigners (Editorial Aranzadi, Editorial Dykinson, Oxford University Press, Dalloz, Springer Link, Lex Nova, La Ley, etc.).


Il *Sole 24 Ore - BancaDati24

A portal that provides access to all electronic resources published by Il Sole 24 Ore.

It includes the following databases: Online databases (BIG online), Lex24 Omnia, Unique work, Soluzioni24 Fisco, Sistema 24 Ambiente e Sicurezza, Sistema 24 Edilizia, Sistema24 Immobili.

It also includes Riviste24, database that provides access to all electronic journals published by Il Sole 24 Ore, including “Guide to the law”  and “Guide to work”.




The new portal of the publisher Wolters Kluwer One replaces the platform Leggi d'Italia.
The subscription includes:
  • One LEGALE. For Lawyers, Company Jurists, Notaries, Magistrates
  • One FISCALE. For accountants, business consultants, CFOs and administrative and tax managers
  • One LAVORO. For Labor Consultants, Accountants, Companies and Institutions


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